This photo is from early June 1996. We were getting ready to go to NY and visit your grandparents! You were @ 2mos old. Mostly, you were a happy, good baby. But we went through this period, probaby 3-4 mos, were you cried, every night, M-F, for many hours!! I sat in the rocking chair & rocked you & patted your back.. . and you cried. I only let you cry because I had tried everything else. . . and nothing worked or made a difference. . . just for some reason. . you just wanted to cry!
And even though you went through this period of crying so much. . . you were actually a very independent, happy baby. You were content to lay & observe the world around you. You played with your toys. As long as you could see me, you were content to lay on your blanket & do your thing.
You did most things at an early age. This photo of you, to the right, was taken in July 1996 after getting back from our trip to NY to visit grandparents. You were 3 mos old. Very independent & determined:) You were breastfed only about 2 wks & we ended that. You were off a bottle by 10 mos, and potty-trained by the time you were 1. I could take you out to the stores in undies at 15 mos & you stayed dried. You used your potty on your own, from 11mos. More soon. . . We love you so much!