My Time

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Back - to - work & school! Thursday, Sept 6th, 2007

Been awhile since I last posted - sorry about that. . .things have been crazy. . .

On Sept 1st, we went to Lake taconic & had a day with some family we haven't seen in awhile.

My mom, brother & his girlfriend went, as well as myself, my husband & our kids (4), and 2 of my aunts & their kids (1 has 1 (in his 30's) - and a friend's son came with her, the other has 3 - in their 20's). Haven't seen them in ages & it was great to!! We had a great day & I am glad we went.

We walked on some of the Rail Trail - it goes from Kingston to like New Paltz. . . on Sep. 2nd. Found cool mushrooms to take pics of! Those will be in my nature blog, all with the info when i get them id'ed;0)

Then, the other day (9-3) . . . we went to Minnewaska State park (hubby, me & the kids) and we walked around the lake. I have been really into pics (yea i know - but even more;) lately. . . i have been taking pics of EVERYTHING - literally;0) lol

Most of those will appear in one of my other blogs tho. . . :) So if ya wanna see. . . you will have to go there;0) I haven't gotten through any of those pics yet. . . ;P" i am working on taking them off the cam now. . .

Have some of the kids to share. . . from the past week or so;0) that'll be good. . . (Please visit my other blog - Tara's Talk & Treasures for a bit more detail on us from the last week or so - dh & I).

The kids started back to school on Wed, Sep 5th.

Dariyn was thrilled lol . . the other's didn't quite share her enthusiasm;0)

No real homework for anyone yet. Kymberlee has a book to cover by Mon.

Kymberlee & Dariyn (5th graders) want to try out for chorus (I have to sign a permission slip). Dariyn says she already tried out & will be in chorus if I sign her paper. Her class tried out today. I told Kymberlee she has to sing if I sign it LOL . . . but they sang in their concerts since starting school (the ones we could make it too).

Rayna wants to be in a pageant next summer. . . well she is the one that didn't talk to anyone in DC . . how the heck is she supposed to be in a pageant??? I told her she is going to have to start talking to people if she wants to really do it. . . Funny thing is, she is QUITE the ham once she gets to know & relax around people. . . I don't know how to make it more easy for her. . . It's strange because there are people she'll talk to . . like in the store. . . and then others (Same day, same store) she won't . . . she is a strange little gal :}

Jesse's 2nd grade teacher (from last yr) "moved up" & is a 3rd grade teacher this yr. At the end of last yr, we all decided whether we wanted our kids to have her again, or preferred another teacher for 3rd grade. I decided to keep him with the same teacher.

Then, of course, there is Rayna. She is the youngest . . . but quite wise beyond her years. She is so compassionate, loving, adorable. . . but boy, is she stubborn!! LOL What a kid:)

Oh, then I just have to vent a little bit. . . Judge Joe Brown this evening had a "pit bull" case. . . the lady took her kids from a daycare because they had a pitbull (um, to start with, didn't she know about the dog previously?? I didn't watch the episode). Anyways, dogs need to really stop being portrayed in such a neative way - Dogs are not BAD dogs . . . OWNERS are bad people
:( My staffie is 7 yrs old this month - on the 11th. We have had him since he was 4 & 1/2 wks old. We had a baby after getting him - even as "bonded" to me as he is, he has never attacked a child, or an animal. He loves people & attention. . . He was raised with other dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, geese, children. . . We have also had an Akita, a Chow, a wolfX (2 different ones - 1 being @ 75%) - all these dogs we had with children except for the 75% . . all these dogs are also condemed dogs. I agree - they are DEFINITELY not dogs for anyone. But, we should really stop blaming animals . . .and start blaming the responsible people.

It's a rough life here . . . a trailor that's too small, never enough of everything . . . someday, I am sure it will be better. . . I tell them that. . . and try to remind myself.

Pics coming soon . . . Stay tuned:)